Post 7265 through the years 


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Post Members: Bob Rochin, Mike Olden Jerry Armonson, Harold Kurz, Nick Cruz and Mike Gilmore Mike Gilmore, Michael Olden, Jerry Amondson, Ralph Marrow, Nick Cruz VFW Post 7265 Still Serving currently USS Oakland LCS 24 Plank Owner 1952 Certificate certifying VFW Post 7265 as members of Livermore Stockman Rodeo Association 2003-2004 Pete Oaks 1946-48 Francis Vukota 1951-52 Lloyd (Sully)Madsen 1952-53 Vincent (Nippy) Cowell 1953-54 Basil Creager 1954-55 Donald Cramer 1955-56 Anthony (Tony) Scott 1956-57 Lyle Keen 1959-60 Henry Nunes 1958-59 Andrew Silva 1960-61 Wallace Walker 1961-62 Peter Nunes 1948-49 Joe Genoni 1962-63 Andrew Silva 1963-64 Joseph Toscanni 1964-65 Elmer Egbert 1965-66 Harold Bluhm 1949-50 Elliott Dopking 1950-51 Carl Voshall 1966-67 William Burtenhouse 1957-58 Thomas Donlon 1967-68 Wayne Calhoun Past Post Commander Virgil Stanger Keith Anderson and Commander Mike Gilmore Keith Anderson, District 10 Commander Mark Steinberg, and Post Commander Mike Gilmore receive 75th Anniversary certificate Virgil Stanger at Pleasanton Parade 2021-22 Voice of Democracy award presented to Milan Grewal. Commander Gilmore presenting John Shirley burial ceremony. 3rd ID reenactors from France. Post members Mike Olden, Ron Gillette, Bob Rochin, Mike Gilmore, Joe Revolinsky John Shirley Burial Ceremony John Shirley Burial Ceremony: Post Members Mike Olden, Ron Gillette, Mike Gilmore, Bob Rochin, Joe Revolinsky John Shirley Burial Ceremony John Shirley's burial John Shirley's Burial John Shirley's burial John Shirley's burial John  Shirley's celebration of life Post presentation of Colors John  Shirley's celebration of life, 3rd ID Reenactor's presenting the colors John Shirley's celebration of life, combined honor guard John Shirley's celebration of life, Commander Gilmore gives speech Post Members Bob Rochin, Mike Olden, Jerry Armonson, Harold Kurz, Nick Cruz, Mike Gilmore Presentation of the Colors: Bob Rochin, Mike Olden, Jerry Armonson, Harold Kurz, Nick Cruz Rodeo Parade Post 7265 Honor Guard Scout Troop 924 Post Chaplin Jerry Armonson Post Chaplin Mike Rheil Livermore Mayor Bob Worner Alameda County Supervisor David Haubert A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. A day on Angel Island with Mike Gilmore. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Holiday Potluck at Livermore's VFW Post 7265, December 20, 2022. Organized by the McCumber family. Post 7265 renders a 3-rifle volley in honor of Alameda County Supervisor Richard Valle, Vietnam Veteran  Mike Gilmore, Keith Anderson, Bo Wong Mike Gilmore, Michael Olden, Jerry Amondson, Ralph Marrow, Nick Cruz