Michael Gilmore
Commander - Army
Michael R Gilmore JR
Retired Staff Sergeant, US Army
- Joined the US Army in 1989 as a Combat Engineer
deployed to Panama twice and Honduras once in support of humanitarian service
missions with the 579th Engineer Battalion in which we constructed schools
and clinics within the local villages.
While stationed in Iraq I served as a Platoon Sargent/Squad leader. We
provided security for military convoy operations leading civilian supply trucks
to vital military bases in Iraq often through hostile areas of operation
(Baghdad and Fallujah just to name a few. Most of our missions were
combat patrols in and around Balad Air Base "aka" LSA Camp Anaconda,
located 40miles North of Baghdad along the Tigris River. On November 4th I
was wounded by an IED (Improvised Explosive Devise) while on routine
patrol. Awards earned during deployment include a Purple Heart, Army
Commendation Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense
Medal, and Iraqi Campaign Medal.